Jen Folsom
Instruction Designer
- +1 970 -227-3692;
- hello@jenfolsom.com

Area Universities offer a wealth of great showings to kick off the new Year.
Although the Universities in Fort Collins and Greeley take up a large footprint in our communities, often forgotten are the amazing cultural resources they provide, not just to students, but to residents alike. Sometimes parking can be tricky and learning your way around campus can make you feel like a freshman all over again, but the challenge is worth it and putting these galleries on your radar is a must.
One of the easier museums to access is the Gregory Allicar Museum of Art located in the original Fort Collins High School building on Remington Street just west of the campus. With a new name and a 6,000 square foot addition in 2016, the museum boasts one of the best permanent collections in the area. Currently on display is Off Kilter, On Point: Art Of The 1960s from The Permanent Collection and To Survive On This Shore: Photographs And Interviews With Transgender And Gender Nonconforming Older Adults.
It may seem as if exposure to the non conforming and trans population is a new phenomenon, but these are individuals that have existed since the dawn of humanity. Opening February 1, To Survive On This Shore by photographer Jess Dugan presents intimate portraits of aging trans and non conforming people. Dugans work, created over five years in partnership with social worker Vanessa Fabbre, brings to light these individuals whose life experiences exist within the nuanced intersections of gender identity, age, race, ethnicity, sexuality and socioeconomic class. One of the most compelling parts of this work is the accompanying interviews. (a small sample can be accessed here) In their own words, Dugan’s subjects share a window into their lives and how their unique experiences has shaped them. In discussing the intention of the work and it’s importance, Dugan states, “We wanted to record the history, many people we photographed and interviewed had done significant activism and had helped us for where we are today, many of these people came out prior to the internet, but their stories have not been told.” The portfolio of work and the stories have been purchased by the museum to become part of the permanent collection, a record for generations to enjoy. To Survive On This Shore will be on display through May 18th.
Also premiering this month in the brand new space in the Campus Commons on the UNC campus in Greeley is ConStructs and ConFines by artist-in-residence and alumni Jessica Forrestal. Forrestal’s work is site specific and her installation on the UNC campus is drawn over the walls and floor of the new space. With themes that explore American consumer culture, mass production, consumption, Forrestal plays with bold black and white imagery iconic of diagram stylization and investigates the intersection of humans, objects, and environment. Forrestal describes her process in a unique approach to ordinary objects, “The inanimate object has a life much, much greater than what we choose to perceive on a day to day basis. The work is about taking that object and trying to bring it more alive and give it more of a biological feel so that we can relate it to ourselves. It becomes more human like therefore we can suddenly relate to it in a different way.” The artist speaks of recurring themes within her work such as in the wheeled caster. Intrigued not only by is unique form, but its possibility of movement. “Everything is on casters so that we can have this flexibility of movement, so we are not hindered by our spaces anymore. That mobility piece has led to our mass consumption in some ways, because we can move that out the way. Our society, at least in the US, has become a very mobile society. People don’t stay in homes for 30 years, they don’t invest in thousand dollar pieces of furniture... we aren’t forming attachments to handcrafted pieces anymore.” The work questions very serious issues, but it’s animated execution has a playfulness that provides an entrypoint for further exploration. Forrenstal has been installing the show with public access and interaction throughout January and the new space is host to a wealth of events that highlight the work as a backdrop to some amazing offerings such as weekly Jazz jam sessions and extended art events such as workshops on Social Media Marketing by Denver consultants ArtBoss and Installation Practice workshops. These events often are free and open to the public.
A full listing of offerings can be found at https://arts.unco.edu/art/galleries/programs/
Gregory Allicar Museum of Art: Off Kilter, On Point: Art Of The 1960s From The Permanent Collection January 22, 2019 - April 13, 2019 10:00 am - 6:00 pm
To Survive On This Shore: Photographs And Interviews With Transgender And Gender Nonconforming Older Adults February 1, 2019 - May 18, 2019 10:00 am - 6:00 pm
Jess Dugan Artist Talk Friday, February 15, 2019 The Griffin Concert Hall, University Center for the Arts 5:30 p.m.
Jessica Forrestal Construct and Confines Exhibition On View: February 7 - March 30, 2019 Campus Commons Gallery, Campus Commons Reception: Thursday, Feb 7, 4-7pm
Artist Talk: Thursday, Feb 21, 5-6pm Workshop: Tuesday, Feb 26, 2-4pm